Welcome to
Boonesboro Youth Trap Club
Serving youth for Shotgun Shooting Sports in Winchester, Clark County and surrounding areas.
501(c)(3) IRS Tax Exempt Charitable Organization - FEIN 92-1149239
"Boonesboro Youth Trap Club" is the official Non-Profit, 501(c)3 (FEIN 92-1149239) host of the extended group of "Clark County Shooting Sports" youth shooters. We focus on the being able to provide educational and culturally enriching opportunities for youth in our community through the promotion of target, trap, skeet, sporting clay practice and competitions, while teaching safety and youth development.
BYTC grew (as most teams do) out of a basic need for youth development. The original location and coaches had been volunteering (and continue to do so) as certified members of the Clark County 4-H Shooting Sports club. Kentucky 4-H has typically focused solely on trapshooting. As the team grew - in size, scope and experience - it has become apparent ADDITIONAL means of support and meeting needs as the kids expressed a desire to shoot more and different venues!
In addition to local 4-H competitions, the youth have recently become active in SCTP (Scholastic Clay Target Program), as well as encourage participation in ATA (Amateur Trapshooting Association) AIM program, and NSSA/NSCA (Skeet & Sporting Clay) competitions. We continue to assess the USA High School Clay Target League, working with our local High School.
The shooting venue at BYTC will continue to serve 4-H shotgun, but is now expanding to shooting more Trap, Skeet, Sporting Clay, and 5-Stand!
Thanks to the heroic efforts of our volunteer coaches - we have been able to introduce kids to the greater world of shotgun sports! Additionally, they have volunteered massive amounts of time and money attending a variety of practices & competitions.
As expected, safety is always paramount. Each session at BYTC ALWAYS begins with an overview of safety rules. We have a 1:1 ratio with each new shooter. As each shooter gains experience and confidence, the on-line ratio can be reduced. We involve more experienced participants to help answer or relay various lessons being taught.
Youth development and character building are inherent and a critical component of impact. For example, at the end of each shooting session - folks soon realize that we are not done. All hulls and grounds must be cleared. Trap machine must be reloaded. Trash taken to the back burn pile. Parents do not drop and run, but rather involved (scoring, encouragement, etc.) As teaching opportunities arise, “life lessons” are discussed. Sportsmanship is developed. Discipline – when both meeting and NOT meeting goals – is nurtured. Respect becomes second nature to the youth. Encouragement from all blossoms into wonderful atmosphere!
As BYTC grows, we are always looking to add field improvements, additional volunteer coaches and overall community support as we teach kids how to use firearms in a safe, yet enjoyable manner!
We typically meet each Monday night from April thru September. C'mon over - we have a blast!
Thanks to the wonderful grant provided by MidwayUSA Foundation, we are expanding! We are adding additional trap fields and 5-Stand/Skeet machines to meet the growing needs of our youth! THANK YOU MIDWAYUSA
(Donations to to MidwayUSA Endowment program specifically for Boonesboro Youth can be found here (link)